Sunday, November 4, 2007

Rakim = Joe Louis

Ring magazine rated Joe Louis No. 1 on a list of the worlds greatest punchers. If Jay is ali then Rakim must be Joe Louis. I saw Rakim live last night at the Roseland in Portland. His delivery was awesome. I wish that I had a story like my friend Ethan Phillips who was playing bass for the band that backed up Rakim. When he was 10 he got the Eric B. and Rakim album and now he is playing in the back up band. For me, I started listening to Rakim way after the fact and I am glad i did. A sportswriter said about joe louis that he is "a credit to his race, the human race". The same can be said about Rakim. "how can i move the crowed?'

1 comment:

Just Another Blogger said...

Rakim is one of the few Old School artists that flows from way back when still sound up to date today. You would think that if he was rhyming like that way back in the 1980's that by now we would already be well advanced in the art and science of eMCeeing. But with the exception of a few talented and visionary lyricists we are barely out of the primordial ooze.